It’s one thing to leave our family, friends, and employment opportunities behind when our spouse’s careers require a relocation. But when the move also means giving up our favorite foods? Hmmm…
When a tough trailhead looms just as the wedding music fades, can a new marriage survive?
For 25 years, my husband and I have traded off on being trailing spouses — or lived separately while we pursued our careers. Was it worth it? We think so.
As an expat career coach, I often find myself encouraging trailing spouses to step outside their comfort zones — even more so than they already have — and then reminding myself to follow my own advice, too.
‘Tis the season for giving or receiving great books. Got these five memoirs on your list?
Bucket ListingCareer TransitionsDriving Distance
Double Jeopardy: Why Trailing Spouses Are Better at Trivia
“I’ll take HAPPY ‘TRAIL’s for $1,000, Alex.”
Book ClubBucket ListingCareer TransitionsExpat Experiences
Bending, Stretching & Erasing the World’s Borders
Responding to a call for adventure, I came to Seattle without firm plans — then surpassed all my expectations.
Reviewing the 2010s, Resolving for the 2020s
It’s time to celebrate all the challenges you surmounted, the opportunities you seized, and the connections you made in the last year and past decade.
Guilt meets gratitude at this time of year, especially when I consider how our five relocations have shaped our family and friendships.
What’s the secret to being a good trailing husband? Good question.